The Most Performative Piece Ever!
The performance lineup functioned much like a formal poem functions. For each piece (line) the next work following either comments or is connected to the previous by action or concept creating unique juxtapositions. I consider the play in this work existing as rhyme scheme or word relationship would in poetry. Through this constructive process pieces were carefully selected and organized to gain new and deeper meaning through their positioning during the performance.
The Most Performative Piece Ever!
Bruce Nauman -“Bouncing in Corner 1 ” 1hr (12:00pm - 1:00pm)
John Baldessari - “I Will Not Make Anymore Boring Art” 32min (1:01pm - 1:33pm)
Bruce Nauman - “Stamping in Studio” 1hr 1:35 (1:33pm - 2:34pm)
John Baldessari - “I Am Making Art” 19min (2:35pm - 2:54pm)
Sherman Fleming - “AxeVapor” 10min (2:56pm - 3:06pm)
Vito Acconci - “Turn On” 22min (3:07pm - 3:29pm)
Geoffrey Hendricks - “Body Hair” 8min (3:30pm - 3:38pm)
Vito Acconci - “Theme Song” 33min (3:38pm - 4:11pm)
Bruce Nauman - “Flesh to White to Black to Flesh” 51min (4:12pm - 5:03pm)
Gilbert and George - “Singing Sculpture” 25min (5:04pm - 5:29pm)
Steina Vasulka - “Let it be” 4min, (5:29pm - 5:33pm)
Jackson Pollock - “Drip Painting, Untitled” 1hr (5:35pm - 6:35pm)
Paul MacCarthy – “White Line” 23min (6:36pm - 6:59pm)
Janine Antoni- “Loving Care” 35min (7:00pm - 7:35pm)
Mierle Laderman - “Maintenance Art” 2hrs (7:35pm - 9:35pm)
Mark McGowan – “Dunce” 8hrs (9:35pm - 5:36am)
Marina Abramovic – “Rhythm 0” 6hrs (5:37am - 11:37am)
Yoko Ono - “Cut Piece” 30min (11:37am - 12:07pm)
John Cage - “4 33“ 4min 33sec (12:08pm - 12:12pm)
Chris Burden – “Softly into the Night” 2min (12:13pm - 12:15pm)
The following performance will be Impromptu and performed when nature sings her siren song.
Tom Marioni as Allan Fish – “Pissing” 5min, (Impromptu)