More Titorelli
The following is a brief trailer for Birth of Titorelli. Birth of Titorelli is a thirty minute narrative constructed in three acts that explore the nature and creation of my video persona Titorelli. The acts are devised as follows.
Act 1: Birth of Titorelli: This act follows the machismo-infused persona “Tito” as he is birthed into Titorelli, a transformation made possible when Tito’s gaze matches that of the camera and he becomes enveloped by the eye of the video camera.
Act 2: Titorelli and Disgust: Exploring the physical world, Titorelli fails to notice the expansiveness and possibility he is a part of. In a revelation, he realizes the error of his ways and transforms to an androgynous mode of being which allows him to see and experience the world differently.
Act 3: Titorelli and Judgement: Titorelli finally succumbs to the limitations of physical and symbolic representation and must extend beyond “Titorelli.” Titorelli frees himself from Tito and is released into the world, becoming one with the eye of video cameras everywhere. Security cameras lose their oppressive connotations and instead become tools for liberation, webcams become portals and Titorelli becomes a muse inviting people to project, realize, embrace, and explore their true nature and potential.